Fiji hold Baseball5 Coaching Course
28/08/2020 1 Minute Read

Fiji hold Baseball5 Coaching Course

The Fiji Islands Baseball and Softball Association had a total of eight youth coach participants - ranging in age from 18 to 26 year – take part in their recent Baseball5 Coaching Course aimed at young, up-and-coming coaches.

As part of the Development Plan for the Lami Baseball Association, this initiative is aimed at boosting the efforts in expanding the sport baseball in the Lami area.

The youth coaches taking part in the course were from Delainavesi, Nadonumai, Suvavou, Valenicina, Navikinikini and Kalekana Baseball Clubs.  Four of the coaches have been a part of the Fiji Baseball program in the past, and two have been on the national team.

The Baseball5 Coaching Course included theory and practical sessions, held over one day.  It commenced by showing a video on the basics of Baseball5 to the participants, as a few of them had no knowledge of what Baseball5 was all about.  The participants caught up quickly during the theory and practical sessions about the basic skills required to play the game of Baseball5.

The four basic components of traditional Baseball were taught through the day; throwing & catching, base running, fielding, and lastly, batting.  Participants were given the Baseball5 Rulebook to assist their coaching and basic understanding of Basebal5 within their respective club teams.

Categories: Baseball5